Free online courses

Free online courses

We run free online courses in partnership with FutureLearn. These are sometimes referred to as 'MOOCs', or massive open online courses. You can register online to join any of the courses listed below - you just need access to a computer, tablet or mobile phone to learn with us.

FutureLearn: Corpus linguistics: method, analysis, interpretation

FutureLearn: Corpus linguistics: method, analysis, interpretation

The free online course developed by one of the top academics in the field of corpus linguistics, Professor Tony McEnery, offers practical introduction to the methodology of corpus linguistics for researchers in social sciences and humanities. Next course date to be confirmed, register your interest.

FutureLearn: Dyslexia and language teaching

FutureLearn: Dyslexia and language teaching

This free online course is aimed at English language teachers, teachers of modern foreign languages, teacher trainers, educators and trainee teachers who are interested in how they can accommodate and cater for the needs of students with dyslexia in foreign/second language classes.

FutureLearn: Dyslexia and language teaching

FutureLearn: Shakespeare’s Language: Revealing Meanings and Exploring Myths

On this free online course, you will explore both Shakespeare’s language and the language of his time. You will be introduced to a range of computer-assisted methods, and you will see how words and meanings pattern across plays, characters, and more. We will explore a few myths about Shakespeare’s language along the way. The course is aimed at anyone with an interest in Shakespeare or language!