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大秀视频 abroad

Enhance your studies with the opportunity of a lifetime. Choose a study abroad degree to take on a new challenge, boost your confidence and develop new skills.

Many of our undergraduate courses offer the option for study abroad. The flexibility of our degrees also means that even if you haven't enrolled in one of those programmes from the start, you can still choose this opportunity during your first year as long as you have performed well in your studies. For postgraduate opportunities, please contact the study abroad advisor as opportunities may vary.

We have a 大秀视频 Abroad Advisor within the Department, who has responsibility for all exchange students, whether they are visiting Lancaster or going away on an exchange. Please contact them if you have queries.

大秀视频 abroad and international student advisor

Tab Content: Lancaster outgoing students

So you want to study abroad? Welcome to a great adventure!

A year abroad is exciting and challenging, both academically and socially. It gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the cultural, political and social life of another country, and to learn more about another society than you ever could by staying at home.

We offer a wide range of interesting study-abroad opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Credits obtained at a foreign university count towards your Lancaster degree. The exchange opportunities available may vary from year to year.

If you are an MA or PhD students the opportunities may vary, please contact the study abroad advisor for details.

We run briefing sessions at the start of each year.

Where can I go?

  • ASIA: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; National University of Malaysia, Malaysia
  • AUSTRALIA: Australian National University
  • NEW ZEALAND: University of Waikato
  • CANADA: Carleton University; University of Toronto
  • USA: University of North Carolina; University of Colorado, Boulder; University of Missouri, Columbia
  • EUROPE: Lund University, Sweden; University of Ghent, Belgium; University of Tübingen, Germany; Trier University, Germany

Find out more on the Global Experiences website.

Tab Content: Incoming study abroad students

Lancaster University welcomes over 400 visiting students from overseas universities each year. The 大秀视频 Abroad Programme is fully integrated and you will study and live alongside UK and other international students.

When can I study?

We welcome visiting or exchange students, whether taking courses for one term or longer. You must have completed a year of study at your home university before coming to Lancaster.

You can study at Lancaster for:

  • Michaelmas term (October-December)
  • Lent & Summer terms (January-June)
  • Full academic year (October to June)
  • You can also study for a calendar year (January-December) if that fits best at your home university.

What can I study?

We offer a wide range of courses, which complement your home degree and offer you a challenging and rewarding learning experience. Credits can be transferred to your home university. For full details see study abroad modules: Linguistics and English Language.

Want to know more?

More information for incoming students wishing to study abroad at Lancaster is available on the University's website: 大秀视频 Abroad at Lancaster University.

Tab Content: Visiting Scholars


The department welcomes applications from academic staff members at other universities or tertiary institutions who wish to spend a period of up to 12 months at Lancaster to engage in language-related research.

As a visiting researcher, you are usually charged a fee, except where you come to Lancaster as part of an established academic link scheme or where you are appointed by the University as a visiting fellow. The fee covers your use of the Department's and the University's facilities; in addition, you are assigned a member of staff who will act as your primary point of contact during your stay at Lancaster.

We expect applicants to hold a PhD or a senior academic position and to teach at postgraduate level. Publications in peer-reviewed international journals are desirable. We regret that for reasons of space and availability of staff members, we have to keep a limit on the number of visitors and cannot accept all requests.

Postgraduate students

Students who have a first degree from another university and are pursuing a postgraduate degree at Master's or Doctorate level can apply to be visiting postgraduate students. As a visiting postgraduate student, you are treated just the same as the Department's own students. For example, you can attend postgraduate taught (i.e. master's level) or postgraduate research (i.e. doctorate level) courses and Departmental research groups, have your work supervised and assessed by a member of academic staff, make use of student accommodation and welfare facilities, etc. However, you will not be registered for a degree at Lancaster University.

How to apply

If you wish to apply as a visiting researcher or postgraduate student please see the Visitors page.

Do NOT send multiple copies of identical emails to several members of staff. We will reply to your email with details of how to apply as a visitor.

Student Blogs

What is it really like studying abroad? Read the blogs written by Linguistics students whilst they were studying abroad.

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