REAMS is the Research Ethics Application Management System. It is Lancaster University’s online system for staff, PhD, doctorate and MPhil students to apply for ethical approval for their research. Staff, PhD, doctorate and MPhil students are collectively referred to as ‘researchers’ or ‘applicants’ in the guidance on this webpage. Applicants should access REAMS to determine what level of review is required for their research. There is more information in the sections below.

To note, the guidance on this webpage is for staff, PhD, doctorate and MPhil students. Undergraduates and Master's students do not fall under the remit of REAMS and they should contact their supervisor(s) for guidance on their department’s arrangements for ethical review of their projects.

REAMS information accordion

Tab Content: Guidance for applicants

Applicants: preparation before launching the REAMS application form

1. Be sure to have any relevant documentation prepared for upload such as:

  • recruitment adverts,
  • participant information sheets,
  • consent forms,
  • transcriber agreement,
  • interview questions,
  • questionnaires,
  • debrief sheets

To note, there are templates of the documents in bold text above on your Faculty Research Ethics Committee’s webpage which we recommend you refer to, adapt and use for your research. The links are below:

2. Have any relevant information ready, for example:

You will be asked to confirm that you have done a health and safety risk assessment (you will not be asked to upload it though). To note, carrying out risk assessments are under the remit of the . If you need assistance with completing a risk assessment, you should contact your Area Safety Officer if you are a member of staff; if you are an MPhil/PhD/doctorate student you should contact your supervisor for assistance.

An ACP or Agresso code (for funded projects). This usually applies to staff rather than students.

The workflow and User Guide below are for applicants. If, after reading the guidance, you need assistance please contact your Faculty Research Ethics Officer.

Tab Content: Guidance for supervisors

The User Guide below is for supervisors. If, after reading the guidance, you need assistance please contact your Faculty Research Ethics Officer.

REAMS guidance for supervisors

Tab Content: Guidance for FREC Members

The User Guide below is for Faculty Research Ethics Committee members. If, after reading the guidance, you need assistance please contact your Faculty Research Ethics Officer.

REAMS guidance for reviewers

Tab Content: Training

Have you completed the University’s research ethics and research integrity online training? We strongly encourage all staff and students to complete the training provided by the University. This will help with planning and designing your research, with submitting your ethics application in REAMS and conducting your research.

Training on research ethics and research integrity is available for staff and students. Details of the University's mandatory requirements to complete the training can be found under the paragraph, 'Who is required to complete the courses?'.

Tab Content: Frequently asked questions

  1. I am having difficulty inputting my contact details in my REAMS form, what shall I do?

    Answer: If you are having difficulty inputting your contact details in your REAMS form it is likely you will have to update your personal details. To view and update your personal details click on the down arrow next to your name on the black tab at the top of the page and select ‘Personal details’. Then view and update your information on your personal details page. For more information refer to the ‘REAMS instructions for applicants’ guide in the ‘Guidance for researchers (applicants)’ tab

  2. I cannot find my supervisor/team member in the search bar?

    Answer: The quickest way to find your supervisor on REAMS is to ask them to log on to REAMS with their Lancaster University email address and password to activate their account. Once they have done this the details will be available via search. This will only work for those with a email.

    For external team members, you must add them manually under the "Contacts" tab at the top of each REAMS page. Doing this allows you to automatically add their details into the application when needed.

    If they are still not showing on REAMS after this or you are having issues manually adding members, please email RSO Systems at

A full list of Frequently Asked Questions can be found on our FAQ Page

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Further support and queries

For ethics-related queries please contact your Faculty Ethics Officer:

  • For FHM and FST related queries please contact David Bollenberg.
  • For FASS and LUMS related queries please contact Debbie Knight.

For questions related to the REAMS system please email

Further advice and guidance can be found on your Faculty Research Ethics web page:

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