Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Studentships

The North West Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership offers postgraduate studentships, supervision, training and skills development across the full range of the AHRC’s disciplines. We are one of eleven Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) and seven Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) brought about for this purpose.

The consortium includes a wide variety of bodies beyond the university sector that students can engage with to further their experience, from multinational organisations to local museums and galleries.

Details of Award

All funded PhD students, whether UK or International will be eligible for a full award which includes a stipend to support living costs, and fees at the standard UKRI home fee rate. (The University will fund the difference between the Home and Overseas tuition fee for any successful overseas applicants)

In association with the , each year Lancaster University invites applications from outstanding candidates for AHRC Doctoral Studentships.

A wide range of subjects and pathways are available. Please speak to the PGR Director in the appropriate department about the internal processes and deadlines for working on your application.

The AHRC NWCDTP provides funding opportunities for students to undertake doctoral research and training. We have 15 Pathways broadly organised as Histories, Cultures & Heritage; Creative and Performing Arts; Languages and Literatures. More about pathways...

The NWCDTP is committed to equality of opportunity and working to ensure our student cohort reflects the diverse community we serve. We have introduced a range of positive measures to assist in achieving these commitments, recognising in particular that Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) and disabled students are currently underrepresented on our programmes and across the UK university sector. The introduction of these measures follows a review of our recruitment processes and forms part of a three-year plan we have developed to achieve greater diversity and better equality outcomes.

One of the steps we have taken as part of that plan was to introduce ring-fenced studentships during 2021 and 2022. From 2022, we guaranteed two candidates from BAME backgrounds a studentship. Applicants from these groups will, of course, also be considered as part of our recruitment to all of the available studentships.

Applicants wishing to apply for one of the ring-fenced studentships will have the opportunity to identify themselves on the application form as wishing to be considered for these targeted studentships. Their applications will be considered as part of the standard award competition and will be subject to the same assessment criteria and schedule (see how to apply above).

Further information how our recruitment works can be found at the NWCDTP webpages:

Apply for a place on a programme by Monday 13 January 2025 AND submit a NWCDTP Funding Application by Monday 3 February 2025 (5pm).

How to Apply

To apply for an award, candidates must have applied for a place on a programme by Monday 13 January 2025 . Please note that your application for admission onto your chosen programme must be complete (no missing documents) when submitted by this deadline. Please indicate in the 'Source of Funding' section of your programme application that you are applying for AHRC funding. Alternatively, if you have already submitted your programme application, please contact us at

You must also submit an NWCDTP Funding Application by Monday 3 February 2025 (5pm) in order to be considered. Applicants are strongly advised to liaise with prospective supervisors when completing the studentship application form and to begin the process well ahead of the deadline.

contains a wealth of helpful information; we encourage you to take a look. Before you begin, please check that you meet the academic and residential eligibility criteria on page 2 of the .

During the online application process, you will be asked to submit:

  • A completed
  • A completed
  • Your Bachelor's (and if relevant) Master's degree transcripts
  • Two supporting references

Frequently Asked Questions


Lancaster NWCDTP Academic Lead

Sam Clark

Dr Sam Clark

Senior Lecturer

Centre for War and Diplomacy, CILHR Centre for International Law and Human Rights, FASS Health Hub

Pathway Representatives

Please contact your Pathway Representative in the first instance if you need help completing your AHRC application form. If help is still required contact


Michael Brown

Dr Michael Brown

Lecturer in Modern British History

Centre for War and Diplomacy

Creative Writing

Eoghan Walls

Dr Eoghan Walls

Senior Lecturer

Creative Writing, Creative-Critical Writing, Literature, the Arts, Media and Performance


Nigel Stewart

Nigel Stewart

Senior Lecturer

Cultures, Insight, Practices


Simon Bainbridge

Professor Simon Bainbridge

Professor in English and Creative Writing

Literature, Space and Place, Wordsworth Centre

Heritage (Archaeology, Art History, Museum Studies)

Sandra Kemp

Professor Sandra Kemp

Director, The Ruskin – Museum and Research Centre, Professor

Centre for War and Diplomacy


Michael Brown

Dr Michael Brown

Lecturer in Modern British History

Centre for War and Diplomacy


Simon Bainbridge

Professor Simon Bainbridge

Professor in English and Creative Writing

Literature, Space and Place, Wordsworth Centre

Media and Cultural Studies

Imogen Tyler

Professor Imogen Tyler FAcSS

Professor of Sociology

CeMoRe - Centre for Mobilities Research, Centre for Alternatives to Social and Economic Inequalities, Centre for Gender Studies, Migrancy Research Group

Modern Languages and Translation Studies

Samuel O'Donoghue

Dr Samuel O'Donoghue

Lecturer in Spanish Studies

FASS Health Hub, Transcultural Writing, Practice and Research Network

B136, B - Floor, County Main


Rachel Cooper

Professor Rachel Cooper

Chair in Design

Energy Lancaster, HighWire Doctoral Training Centre, Imagination Lancaster, School of Design


Christopher Partridge

Professor Christopher Partridge


Richardson Institute for Peace Studies

Visual Arts and Design

Sarah Casey

Professor Sarah Casey

Professor in Fine Art and its Histories

Insight, Practices