Bus Travel
The most popular way to get around at Lancaster University, with one bus every 5 minutes at peak times.
Lancaster offers a great transport network with superb links between the city, campus and further afield.
The most popular way to get around at Lancaster University, with one bus every 5 minutes at peak times.
The cleanest, cheapest and healthiest way to travel with some of the best links to the city and surrounding areas in Lancashire.
The railway station is near the city centre, on the number 4 bus route or a short walk from the bus station.
Parking information whether you're a visitor, student, staff member, motorcycle user, electric vehicle driver or contractor.
Lancaster University has two taxi ranks on campus and a regular taxi service is available 24/7.
The walk from the city centre to campus is just over 3 miles, takes approximately an hour and has some amazing scenery along the way.
There are plenty of charging points for electric vehicles across the campus and more are added every year.
Sharing car journeys with others is a great way to save money and reduce the number of cars on our roads and the number of cars parked on campus.
Learn about these alternative modes of transport including the law and their use on campus.
Staff can find out more about the range of travel flexible benefits on offer on the .
We want to make your arrival as smooth and safe as possible so during the online registration process, we will ask you to indicate an intended arrival date. International students should also visit the Arrival and Shuttle Service webpage for details about the travel plans we have in place and for information about our shuttle services.
Arrival and Shuttle ServiceThe new travel decision tree and travel guidance aims to support the carbon reduction target with regards to air travel at Lancaster University, specifically for academics and staff travelling on business on behalf of the University. A carbon data dashboard will be available to departments giving access to real time information based on past trips within their areas.